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Common Road Traffic Signs and Their Meanings

What are Road Warning Signs?

Whether you are about to take driving lessons or just came across an unfamiliar traffic warning sign, it is always an excellent idea to keep yourself aware of these signs. This will help you in making safe and faster driving decisions.

Simply put, it is essential to understand the warning signs quickly while driving, especially on highways. As some signs contain only symbols, providing instant communication in a language.

Here are listed several traffic warning signs that one should know about:

Tunnel Traffic Sign

1.   Tunnel

This sign indicates that there is a tunnel ahead, so the drivers should be aware of numerous things, such as:

  • Lower visibility – as the tunnels are dark.
  • And if there are bends, it will impact and weaken your vision.
  • If you have claustrophobia, you will be warned
  • The drivers should reduce their speed while driving through narrow and dark tunnels.

Traffic Queues Likely Ahead

2.   Traffic Queues Likely Ahead

  • These queue signs are situated before busy streets.
  • These signs are to warn the drivers that the street will be busier ahead.
  • The drivers should expect queues due to heavy traffic as people come back and forth from their offices.
  • If you plan to take these routes, decide beforehand, as the areas with these warning signs are busier than usual.
  • These signs mean that the driver will likely be stuck for a short period of time. Therefore, planning ahead means having enough time to reach the destination.

End of Dual Carriageways

3.   End of Dual Carriageways 

  • The Warning Sign: the end of the dual carriageway indicates that a dual carriageway is merging in a single lane up ahead.
  • This also warns drivers to get ready for a two-way road and slow down their speed.
  • They must be ready to follow the rules and regulations of two-way traffic – as the legal speed limit or two-way road varies from the one-way road.

Road Hump

4.   Road Hump

  • A road hump is also referred to as a speed hump, indicating that a driver should slow down their speed.
  • It is a flat or round bump that covers the complete or part of a road.
  • When covering only a portion of the road lane, it is to allow buses and emergency vehicles with long wheelbases to pass over it.
  • This warning sign is located in areas where the speed limit exceeds 20 mph.

Hump Bridge

5.   Hump bridge

The hump bridges indicate that there is an incoming hump bridge. There are several reasons to be aware of the hump bridge ahead.

  • Oncoming traffic’s visibility may be reduced due to the steepness and shallowness of a bridge.
  • The bridge may also be narrow; in such a case, you may also see a “narrow road on both sides” sign.
  • Sometimes, if the bridge is steep, your vehicle may not be able to cross; hence the driver should reduce the speed.

Side Winds

6.   Side Winds

  • These signs warn the drivers that they may face strong winds ahead.
  • In such a situation, they should be prepared for winds coming from either side.
  • These signs are primarily found in areas like beaches, motorways, open fields or heavy forest areas.
  • Drivers should drive carefully while putting both hands on the wheel.
  • In worst conditions, strong winds may push you off course; therefore, drivers should stay alert.
  • Moreover, when you see the sign, ensure you drive slowly.

Steep Hill Upwards

7.   Steep Hill Upwards

  • This indicates that the road is changing to a steeper incline ahead.
  • The steepness level varies according to the severity of the hill.
  • If there is a steep hill upwards – be ready to maintain your speed.
  • If you are in high gear, be ready to slow the gear.
  • Keep in mind that other vehicles may also struggle with the slope, so they may also have their speed down.

8.   Road Narrows On Both Sides

  • This sign indicates that the roads are getting narrowed ahead.
  • Practically speaking, this implies that the driver should be ready to drive closer to other vehicles and at a speed that gives you control over the vehicle.
  • This may be used in combination with a hump bridge sign in areas where it is typical for contemporary roadways to merge into smaller, older bridges because they cannot be made wider.
  • The main difference between the end of dual carriageway and this sign is that the two lanes never touch; instead, they only move closer, meaning the lanes will only get thinner.
  • If you come across any of those signs, make sure to double-check, as they are nearly identical.


9.   Double Bend

  • Double bend warning signs warn drivers that there are sharp bends ahead.
  • Once a driver turns left, they are most likely to face another bend in the road.
  • Mostly, the second bend is hidden; therefore, this sign is placed to warn the drivers.
  • The warning sign provides enough time for the drivers to slow down their speed.

10.  Slippery Road

  • This warning sign is located in the areas where the road gets slippery or icy in severe weather conditions.
  • Drivers should keep their speed down and prevent changing directions suddenly.
  • These signs are normally posted at overpasses or bridges as these places are the first to freeze.
  • Moreover, turning the wheel is more accessible, so the driver should ensure that they steer and adjust accordingly.
  • Try to keep enough distance between the vehicles.

11.  Uneven Road

  • Uneven road signs are used to warn drivers that there is an uneven/bumpy road ahead.
  • These signs are usually located on older roads.
  • Drivers may face reduced control over their vehicles.
  • One should be aware of the incoming traffic, slow their speed, and keep both hands on the vehicle.
  • When you come across these signs, make sure to give them a stern look because they are quite similar to both hump bridge and road hump signs.

12.  Stay or Give Way Ahead

  • The sign is usually placed upside down, displaying “Stop” or “Give Way”.
  • Although “Give Way” and “Stop” signs are both displayed in a reverse triangle, the driver must recognise the colours used for both signs.
  • The road will have a particular road marking where this sign is located.

13.  T-Junction

  • This sign is placed where a road has three junctions at the end of the road and when it comes to an end, the driver can turn either left or right.
  • The wonky T sign gives an idea to the driver what type of T junction is ahead.
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